It's so opposite to Apple it's incredible. MaCitrix Workspace app for Mac sends you notifications when there is an update available for an existing version or an upgrade to a newer version. Location Path, CitrixWorkspaceApp21.08.1.dmg Bulletin Summary, Citrix Files for MAC Superceding Bulletin Id, MAC-196 Patch Release Date, Sep 22, 2021. The Citrix website is completely impossible for anyone who doesn't work for Citrix to use and Citrix seem to be completely incapable of seeing their product miasma through the mind of someone coming to the Citrix universe for the first time.
Citrix make so many products and it is absolutely impossible to deduce what they all do, how (or if) they work together or how to use them. Image Courtesy Citrix Receiver Becomes Citrix Workspace app (October 2018) Geek Tech Stuff. Release Date: Compatible with: Mac OS 10.13, 10.14, 10.15 with download information and button () on the same page uncertain if this may or not be helpful. The impenetrable Citrix website is anathema to the slickness and clarity that is Apple. So, I decided to prepare a list of all Workspace App and Receiver Citrix has released so far for all platforms (Windows, Mac, Linus, iOS, Android, Chrome OS and HTML5).

Then there was the Citrix support or rather lack of it. In order for the new update to work with your Caterease Connect program, you need to update your Citrix receiver. After that it never worked until you manually started the plug-in which was buried deep in the recesses of Mac OS. By Brittany McDaniel Alert OctoYesterday, Apple released their latest OS update (Catalina) for Mac devices. It was so convoluted under the old online plug-in you had to make sure you had the right version of JAVA installed just to run the installer. Updating Citrix Workspace App on your Mac New versions are released frequently to provide a secure connection, please be sure to update when prompted. While you can still download older versions of Citrix Receiver, new features. Users can seamlessly participate in audio-video or audio-only calls to and from other HDX RealTime Media Engine users, native Skype for Business and Lync client users. Beginning August 2018, Citrix Receiver will be replaced by Citrix Workspace app. The main difference seems to be the installation and set-up. The HDX RealTime Media Engine is a plug-in to the Citrix Receiver to support clear, crisp high-definition audio-video calls, particularly with Microsoft Skype for Business. As has already been pointed out, this replaces the old Citrix Online Plug-in.